3 Ways To Prepare For A Boiler Emergency

If you have a boiler in your home or business, you need to make sure that you are always prepared for a boiler emergency. Although a boiler is designed to function safely, sometimes the unexpected happened, and your boiler stops working or malfunctions for some reason. When that happens, you want to make sure you are prepared for whatever happens.

Way #1: Install External Boiler Controls

As a safety feature, almost all boilers are installed inside of an enclosed area. That way, if the boiler blows, any damage will be contained to a small area. Boilers have hot water inside of them, which can be really damaging if the boiler were to unexpectedly release that water.

The one downside to your boiler being located within an enclosed area is that it can be difficult to access the important connections for your boiler. The best way to get around this is by installing external emergency connections so that if an emergency occurs, you can disconnect your emergency connections easily. External boiler controls allow you to also connect a temporary boiler up to your home or business.

Way #2: Another Plan for Fuel 

Next, you need to make sure that you have another plan for fuel for your boiler. Many boilers can run on multiple types of fuel, so if your boiler can run on another type of fuel, be sure to keep that type of fuel on hand. That way, if something happens to your primary source of fuel for your boiler, you can switch to your secondary source of fuel and keep your boiler running smoothly.

Way #3: Have an Emergency Shutdown Process

Third, you need to have an emergency shutdown process in place. That way, if your boiler is not working properly, you will know how to shut down the boiler while causing the least amount of damage. A boiler that is not functioning properly should be shut down right away; if it continues to operate, problems could arise. All the adults in your home, or the managers on duty for your business, should know how to shut down the boiler when necessary.

For the most part, if you take proper care of your boiler, it should operate smoothly. However, you should also be prepared for a boiler emergency by having external controls for your boiler installed, have a back-up plan if you run out of your primary source of fuel, and have an emergency shutdown process.
